"Thanks for organisingsuch a nice event;chilled out and relaxed.Kids enjoyed it & lovedit. Team Andalus!! GreatJob Masha’Allah" - Omar Chandor
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Andalus places a strong emphasis on education, catering for all ages. We specialise in teaching the Arabic language, Qur'anic sciences and general Islamic studies including history and culture.

Andalus aims to offer consultancy services and facilitate specialised courses and seminars, meeting the needs of government bodies and other organisations interested in Muslim affairs, with an open minded and tolerant ethos.

Find out all there is to know about where we're coming from, where we are right now and where we intend to go in the coming years!  »»»
Andalus is a grassroots community effort that depends on the generous kind support of people. Please make a donation.  »»»
In February 2009, with the help of God and the sincere efforts of some dedicated individuals in the community, we managed to acqui  »»»